Santa Fe Flute Immersion And Performance Skills Workshops
Closing Concert Featuring Participants
All workshops and both concerts take place at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, 50 Mount Carmel Road in Santa Fe.
Linda Marianiello, Artistic Director, internationally recognized flute soloist, chamber musician, and recording artist
Melissa Colgin Abeln, Principal flute, El Paso Symphony Orchestra and Professor of Flute, University of Texas El Paso (Ret.)
Tracy Doyle, Director of the School of Music at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA and former Professor of Flute at Adams State University in Alamosa, CO
Carla Lancellotti Auld, Flute soloist, chamber musician and recording artist, New York metro area
Valerie Potter, Principal Flute, New Mexico Philharmonic and Professor of Flute at University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
Kayla Liechty, Pianist
Tickets: $20-$50 at nmpas.org/tickets or call Hold My Ticket at 877-466-3404
Sponsored by Century Bank, Del Norte LOV Foundation, Santa Fe Downtown Rotary Foundation & Verne Q. Powell Flutes
- More Info: https://tracykanedoyle.wixsite.com/santafeflute
- Program Available Soon: Please check back. Programs are typically available 7-10 days before performance date(s).